Results from Uganda and the United States


Systems Mapping and Covid Assessments in Uganda

Nearly all development practitioners work in complex systems, such as disaster management, financial systems, or supply chains. When a major shock occurs, it is important to understand the impact on the system as quickly as possible. System maps are vital decision tools, helping practitioners to understand the state of the system after or during a shock. These maps help assess the feasibility and appropriateness of different intervention options. The USAID/Uganda Market System Monitoring Activity has developed tools for practitioners to apply systems thinking to a diverse set of sectors and systems.

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Emergent Issues Related to Freight Systems Impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States

Every corner of the globe has suffered from supply chain disruptions during the coronavirus pandemic. Beginning in January with a focus on China manufacturing, the MIT Humanitarian Supply Chain Lab (HSCL) began providing evidence-based analysis to the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to inform strategic planning around the supply chain risks. By March, the focus turned to domestic food supply chains and freight markets in the United States so that FEMA could anticipate potential response scenarios. Through this engagement, HSCL developed a rapid vetting and publishing approach that aligned with the pace and volatility of the situation. Read the full news article on MIT News.

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